As we know, the pandemic caused major issues for all of us and saw major changes to how we interact as a society with lockdowns, face masks and social distancing. The most vulnerable in our society were amongst those to whom the pandemic caused the most disruption, with those in care homes and hospitals unable to have visitors.
In response to the visiting policies imposed on care home residents family members of those affected launched Right for Residents in September 2020 in order to mobilise others to campaign for those loved ones whose voices could not be heard.
The campaign so far has been hugely successful resulting in the government being forced to limit all restrictions on visiting other than for outbreak management.
Following the death of her mother, West End actress Ruthie Henshall, joined the campaign which is now for new legislation, named Gloria’s Law after Ruthie’s mother, which would guarantee unrestricted in-person care by appointing at least one essential care supporter. This could be a family member or a friend, who would be assigned as a part of the legal requirement in all health and care settings.
Concerns have been raised by some that the new legislation will make the control of transmission of any virus very difficult, however the National Care Forum have sated they believe that infection control can be managed alongside maintaining personal contact with loved ones.
After listening to campaigners the Minister for Care, Helen Whately has said she is determined on changing the law on visiting after listening to campaigners.
There is no short answer to what wellbeing means, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as:
Wellbeing[noun] – the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.
However, what one individual feels is their perfect state of wellbeing may be completely different to another individual. Everybody has their own goals, ambitions and personalities, everybody is different.
As well as each individual being different, the different aspects of being comfortable, healthy and happy all have different facets to them that can be interpreted subjectively by an individual. The Oxford Dictionary mentions happiness however wellbeing as a concept is broader than this and has been debated sine the Third Century BC when Aristotle developed the concept of Eudaimonia, which is the contented state of feeling healthy, happy and prosperous. Even though happiness is linked to wellbeing it is multidimensional.
In order to have achieve an overall sense of wellbeing there are a number of key elements that an individual needs to balance. These include:
Physical – including lifestyle choices that can affect the functioning of our bodies. What we eat and how active we are will affect our physical wellbeing.
Emotional or psychological – This is our ability to cope with everyday life and reflect how we think and feel about our ourselves.
Social – This is the extent that we feel a sense of belonging and social inclusion. The way that we communicate with others, our relationships, values, beliefs, lifestyles and traditions are all important factors of social wellbeing.
Spiritual – This is the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life. It can be achieved through being connected to our inner self, to nature or even to a greater power.
Intellectual – It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness as it helps us to expand our knowledge and skills in order to live an enjoyable and successful life.
Economic – Economic wellness in the ability to meet our basic needs and feel a sense of security.
How can you improve overall wellbeing?
There is no set way to improve your overall wellbeing, it is not a quick fix and differs from person to person. However, here are some hints of where to start:
Slow down often, and take regular breaks, outside in nature if you can, as often as you can.
Separate work and home life and introduce a healthful balance. Develop a rest ethic.
Step away from things you are unable to change or influence, and LET THEM GO.
Remember that you deserve self-care, you need it, and you need to remember to practice it.
Be active, stay hydrated, and avoid foods that do us harm.
Keep your thoughts positive and kind, because you are always listening.
Make sure you plan something enjoyable for yourself every day even if it is only for ten minutes.
Always ask for help when you need it.
Focus on small, meaningful goals to work towards. This will slowly but surely reignite your drive and enthusiasm.
Count your blessings, there is always something positive to be grateful for, each and every day. You will be happier, more productive, and you will sleep more soundly.
At Moonrise not only do we ensure that our Service Users support needs are met but we also aim to ensure that their wellbeing in all areas is the best that it can be.
This week sees the fifth annual World Wellbeing Week, started in Jersey the annual event highlights the importance of wellbeing in all aspects of life. Follow the hashtag #worldwellbeingweek to see more inspiration and how others are ensuring their wellbeing.
This week marks World Continence week, with the support of charities and organisations around the world, this week is run by the World Federation of incontinence and pelvic problems, together they are continuing their commitment to promoting access to care and support. They aim to break the stigma attached to bladder or bowel health issues for individuals and health professionals. With this in mind we wanted to discuss the topic further.
Who does bladder weakness affect?
Bladder weakness affects one in three women and one in ten men, making it more common than hay fever, however the topic still remains taboo and not spoken of openly.
In the UK, around 14 million people suffer with some form of bladder condition, a concern for many individuals who often suffer in silence. The condition can affect men, women, young people and children of all ages.
Breaking the silence is important as a step towards normalising the conditions for millions of people and removing the stigma that living with it is something that should be hidden and not discussed.
It is thought that one in eight of us are living with an overactive bladder, this is around 8.5 million people. 61% of men experience lower urinary tract symptoms, and 34% of women are living with urinary incontinence.
What causes bladder incontinence?
There are a number of causes for urinary incontinence. In men prostate surgery is one of the most common causes. It can also be caused by the urethra being constricted or blocked by the prostate.
In women, pregnancy and the hormonal changes prior to menopause weaken the pelvic floor muscles which can lead to bladder weakness.
Based on the different functional disorders, urinary incontinence is classified into different types, most commonly; stress incontinence, urge incontinence (often referred to as an overactive bladder), and overflow incontinence (chronic urinary retention).
Despite the type of incontinence those affected can only be helped fully if the cause is known. If you are experiencing difficulties with your bladder or bowel health, don’t stay silent, visit your GP who can advise you and help to find the best treatment options for you.
So, whether you leak when you laugh, or are constantly on the loo – don’t be scared, you are not alone!
Check out the Uroligy foundation website for more information on World Continence Week here.
If you need care assistance from Moonrise24, please contact us today to see how we can help to support you, click here to contact us.
A learning disability is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities, including household tasks, socialising and managing money, which affect a person for their whole life.
A person with a learning disability often takes longer to learn and may need support to develop new skills, understand complicated information and interact with other people.
Learning disabilities occur when the brain is still developing, either before, during or soon after birth and there are several things that can cause a learning disability. Before birth there can be things happen to the central nervous system affecting the brain and spinal cord that can cause a learning disability, a child can be born with a learning disability if the mother has an accident or illness while pregnant or if the unborn baby develops certain genes.
A person can also be born with a learning disability if they do not get enough oxygen during childbirth, has a trauma to the head at birth or is born too early.
After birth, a learning disability can be caused by early childhood illnesses, accidents or seizures.
A learning disability can be diagnosed at any time. This could be at birth, noticing a difference in a child’s development. For many it can take a number of years while others may never receive a diagnosis at all. The process to get a diagnosis can be a difficult and emotional experience but is often the first step in accessing care and support.
With varying levels of learning disabilities there are varying levels of support required, these are dependent on the needs of the individual. For example, an individual with a mild learning disability may require support with areas such as getting a job, compared to someone who has a severe or profound learning disability who may require full time care and support with every aspect of their lives. They may also have physical disabilities.
People with certain specific conditions can have a learning disability too. For with Down’s syndrome and some people with autism have a learning disability as well.
There are a number of different learning disabilities, they can be mild, moderate, severe or profound. For all individuals with a learning disability, it is lifelong.
Mild learning disabilities can be hard to diagnose as the individual can often mix well with others and may be able to cope with most everyday tasks, however they may need support in other areas such as filling out forms.
Those individuals with a severe learning disability or profound multiple learning disability (PMLD) will require more care and support with areas including mobility, personal care and communication. There are those with a moderate learning disability who may also need support in these areas but not definitely.
For parents of people with learning disabilities the greatest concern is their wellbeing and future. As a parent of a child with a learning disability it is important to help them by encouraging their strengths and putting in place the right support to help them overcome the things, they find difficult. Every child is an individual with their own individual needs, but putting in place the right support children with a learning disability can lead fulfilling lives in the way that they choose.
There is often confusion between a learning disability and learning difficulties. Learning difficulties, unlike a learning disability, does not affect intellect and can be conditions including dyslexia or ADHD.
Staff at Moonrise are experienced and trained in supporting those with a Learning Disability – contact us to find out how we can support you.
To find our more about Learning Disabilities and this years Learning Disability Week (19th-25th June) visit: Learning Disability Week | Mencap
Seeing a friend or family member struggle with a disability, illness or who are older, can inspire many people to step up and care for them.
The COVID pandemic, which was officially confirmed to have now ended by the World Health Organisation earlier this month, had a massive effect on caring in the UK and around the world. It increased the amount of care that was needed by individuals with more people taking on caring responsibilities for friends or relatives who are disabled, ill or older and need support, from dropping off shopping during the lockdown or providing a person with a social outlet so they were not feeling alone.
Most people feel that caring for another person is one of the most important things that they can do, however the challenges involved should not be underestimated with the impact of caring having an effect on all aspects of life including relationships and health to finances and work commitments.
It is important for those who care for others to look after themselves as well and take care of their health and well-being. Many find it hard to meet their own needs and can struggle to eat and sleep well, find time to exercise and manage their mental health. It is common to feel lonely as well as others may not understand how tough it can be to be a carer and take care of yourself.
There is help that is available to those who are caring for others including through Local Councils who can assist carers in finding out about support groups and services in their area and can advise carers of their rights.
This week marks the annual Carers Week campaign which seeks to raise awareness of caring and highlight the challenges that unpaid carers face and recognize the contribution that they make to families and communities across the UK. They are also help other people, who may not think they are carers, to identify as a carer as well as spreading information on how to access support.
Moonrise 24hr wholly support carers week and the recognition that it brings for unpaid carers. We also understand that unpaid carers can also need support, whether it be a few hours a day, several nights a week or full twenty four hour coverage as respite for the carer.
At Moonrise 24hr we understand the importance of education in a young person’s life. It is the ability to empower young people to succeed, participate in culture, and be prepared for adult life. Children with disabilities, mental health issues and those in care should not be excluded from this.
Here at Moonrise, through alternative provision, defined as education outside of school, that is not led by school staff, we can equip young people with knowledge and skills that are lifelong.
By working closely with the Local Authorities and Alternative Provision Providers, Moonrise helps the young people that we support to access education across a range of areas that is suited to their personal needs and abilities.
Alternative Provision can be varied, including completing practical courses such as in motor mechanics or hairdressing, right through to work placements in shops and other businesses to experiences in music studios and on farms. By supporting our young people to access the provision we are empowering them to learn new skills.
For one of our young people their Alternative Provision consists of spending time on a farm three afternoons a week where they carry out activities including vehicle maintenance, animal care and woodwork.
By attending regularly, it gives our Young People a routine that they can work through, equipping them with other skills including time management and varied social interactions, that they can utilise as they grow.
It also allows the Young Person to have a focus and work towards something they are proud of, whether it is completing a course or building a bird house!
Other young people have accessed activities such as walking, caving, visits to museums, day trips to other cities such as Edinburgh.
Watching the positive effect that Alternative Provision can have on Young People is one of the most fulfilling parts of our role in supporting Young People as it allows us to see the positive impact it can have on them and their development.
Moonrise offers bespoke, person-centred care to children and young people, for more information check out our Childrens Service page or send us an enquiry to discuss any needs you may have.